Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I want to say welcome to my new blog. I've decided I need a "new home" for my blog that isn't my personal one. I spend quite a bit of time lately blog hopping. So my hopes for this blog is to share with you some great finds, fun deals, favorites, tutorials, and promote the designers I create for each week. So in doing this, please feel free to send me a comment or email with suggestions!!

Well let us begin......what shall we do today?

I'm going to start with one of my favorite sites when shopping.....

So simple to use. I start by visiting their website, logging in, and finding "the store" I'm going to shop at. That's it. It creates a "tracking ticket" if I end up purchasing anything. It gives me back a percentage of my purchase. Then each quarter, they mail me a check. How simple for doing what I already planned on.....SHOPPING!!! So click on the icon and get started with Ebates! With my referral, you get $5 to get you started.

Check back tomorrow for a new post. It will be to show you what I have made for
Father's day!! My goal is to post something each weekday. Wish me luck!!


  1. OK Kate, I'm a follower, so count me in. Sounds fun, I've never heard about it. It must be my age. Good Luck!~!~!

  2. Good luck with keeping up on your post! =) Thanks for the ebate sight link as well. I've been using a lot of ecoupons and online deals lately as well.

  3. I love Ebates Kate! I've received a few checks from them in the mail and that is always a happy feeling:) Love your new blog. Hurry and do some Father's day stuff--it's crunch time and I have nothing--absolutely nothing!!!

  4. I signed up with ebates a while ago but I didn't see where to put that you had referred me. I know i am retarded(: Help me!
